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From this moment on you are going to not been bothered using the hard function any longer. We had been developing and creating this outstanding item for you and your house. Don't spend any much more time to vacillate to get our item into your house. There is certainly no doubt that our Timberland Jardims Off-White Canvas Casual Slip On Men will enhance your living life style to produce your house closer to the fantasy property exactly where you had been dreaming to live in for ages. Your dream living way of life is just not out of reach anymore.
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Durable canvas upper with suede accents for abrasion resistance and lightweight comfort. Removable footbed with an EVA heel cup for additional support and comfort. Double elastic gore panels for flexible, slip-on convenience. Cotton twill lining for breathability and barefoot comfort. Suede wrapped midsole for added protection and attention to detail. Durable rubber outsole that is lightweight and flexible. Embossed Timberland tree logo on the midsole. Airport friendly nylon shank provides support, stability and shock dispersion and should not set off metal detectors.
- Durable canvas upper
- Removable footbed with an EVA heel cup
- Double elastic gore panels for flexibility
- Durable rubber outsole that is lightweight and flexible
- Airport friendly nylon shank
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